"If you are fortunate enough to recognize that you have a talent, skill or gift for something, you should use it. Not only will it make your life easier, it will satisfy the creator of these gifts, regardless which believe system you participate in. Matter of fact is that we all come equipped with something. It is a favor back to the creator to use these talents."

Illustration for Notorious Magazine, 2011
This illu was drawn from a 1969 photograph taken by my Father of my Mother. This was five years before I was born. 


Anonymous said…
Ich bin sehr stolz auf meine talentierte Tochter. Ich bemerkte schon sehr früh ihre Kreativität. In der 1. Volksschulklasse lag ein schwarzer Bleistift auf ihrem Schreibtisch, aber Dany sah natürlich etwas ganz anderes, nämlich, eine steife, schwarze Schlange!

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