I am a student. Again.
I was accepted at the Angewandte to the art&economy master of advanced studies program here in Vienna. What that means in plain English; I am (finally) a student again and will work towards my master's degree at one of the best art universities in Europe. I am starting this November. This program allows me and the other 11 folks to work full time. So I will be painting and looking for a teaching position.
All I can say to you people out there that seem to come up with excuses for not doing the things they really want to do:
First you have to desire.
Then you have to ask for it.
Then you need to believe that it will happen.
The last thing is to let it happen and to receive it.
I wish could take credit for that saying, but it's by Stella Terrill Mann.
All I can say to you people out there that seem to come up with excuses for not doing the things they really want to do:
First you have to desire.
Then you have to ask for it.
Then you need to believe that it will happen.
The last thing is to let it happen and to receive it.
I wish could take credit for that saying, but it's by Stella Terrill Mann.